Tag Archives: data

And another one

Seriously loving my cellphone company right now.

vodacom billing engine excellence


So, to whichever unfortunate person ends up with my support ticket for this, I wish you luck.

P.S. I was told there’s more context needed, so: look at the bundle type in the top bar, and then at the used/avaiable counts. What happened (my guess, but I’m pretty sure) is that when I bought it, their rating system preburned all the data I’ve already done this month (under previous rollover bundle).

“Quality of service”

Alternative title: what happens when you buy things that are licensed/run per TCP connection it can maintain.

hageshii% date; elegua; date
Fri Feb 15 22:08:41 SAST 2013
Linux elegua 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun May 6 04:00:17 UTC 2012 x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
No mail.
Last login: Fri Feb 15 20:44:49 2013 from
elegua% Write failed: Broken pipe
Shared connection to elegua.za.net closed.
Fri Feb 15 22:18:47 SAST 2013

10 minutes almost to the dot and my connection is forcefully severed, presumably for inactivity. I wonder how many inadvertent breakages this can cause. It’s certainly annoying. Thanks, Vodacom.

(Yes, I know I can VPN around this, or use mosh, or or or. Unfortunately none of those were quick to do because I hadn’t booted this box in quite a while, and Expensive-with-expiring-bytes-G connection is better used on other things than this)

And this is what the trace looks like:

 Host                                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1.                                      0.0%   131    1.5   9.4   1.1 211.2  27.6
 2.                                        0.0%   131   54.6 327.0  38.5 5456. 844.4
 3.                                      0.8%   131   47.9 314.3  42.1 5400. 823.9
 4.                                      5.4%   131   48.8 309.2  42.4 5346. 832.0
 5.                                    12.3%   131   55.7 247.6  39.4 5290. 790.0
 6. vc-196-207-44-134.3g.vodacom.co.za                7.7%   131   52.8 294.0  39.4 5234. 815.3
 7.                                         10.0%   131   49.7 249.9  36.6 5178. 764.8
 8.                                      7.8%   130  423.0 474.4 210.7 5155. 851.3
 9. te-9-2.car5.London1.Level3.net                   34.1%   130  483.0 461.4 204.0 4123. 762.5
10. ae-52-52.csw2.London1.Level3.net                 24.0%   130  239.5 502.6 216.1 5009. 882.5
11. ae-57-222.ebr2.London1.Level3.net                24.0%   130  231.0 409.9 216.0 4010. 614.4
12. ae-22-22.ebr2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net              22.5%   130  237.8 473.7 216.9 5906. 897.6
13. ae-72-72.csw2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net              22.5%   130  250.2 445.7 219.9 5851. 793.7
14. ???
15.                                   32.6%   130  247.4 406.6 223.9 4726. 723.5
16. hos-bb2.juniper1.rz1.hetzner.de                  74.4%   130  233.1 740.9 225.0 5682. 1218.
17. hos-tr2.ex3k9.rz1.hetzner.de                     18.6%   130  339.2 491.0 221.3 5626. 841.9
18. elegua.za.net                                     1.6%   130  343.7 508.1 226.2 5571. 829.2

Hi-kwality packets.