Category Archives: tech - Page 4

HP iLO(2) tapdance

Most people who run bigger sorts of servers are probably familiar with OOB management systems, but for those who aren’t here’s a short summary: you pay a little bit more when you buy your server, and you get a fantastical tool (vendors, please, get this stuff to fit the modern age. It’s not like we don’t want to use them) to use with your server. Power control, hardware status info, (usually) full IP KVM, etc. HP, Dell, Supermicro, Cisco UCS all have this in their own respective flavours.

That’s just to set the tone for what follows. So let’s pretend you live in .za, and you have crappy upstream bandwidth from your home. This would make things like firing up the HP SmartStart ISO on your hardware pretty painful, because uploading all that data takes forever. So what do we do?

We download it to another box on the same network and load up the image via a “hidden” section of iLO that allows us to mount images from an HTTP source, of course:

</>hpiLO-> show

    cd version exit show

</>hpiLO-> cd /map1/oemhp_vm/cddr


</map1/oemhp_vm/cddr>hpiLO-> show

    cd version exit show

</map1/oemhp_vm/cddr>hpiLO-> set oemhp_image=<ISO_Name_Here.iso>

</map1/oemhp_vm/cddr>hpiLO-> set oemhp_boot=Connect

</map1/oemhp_vm/cddr>hpiLO-> show

    cd version exit show

So, in summary:

We cd to the path that contains cddr (which is the virtual disc path). A note on this, the vm path might sometimes be oemhp_vm1. Do a show under /map if you can’t find the thing.
Then we set oemhp_image and oemhp_boot to values useful for booting.
Now we reboot.

After you’re done with stuff, just set oemhp_boot to Never, and it’ll disconnect stuff.

I didn’t check whether this worked for iLO3 as well, but I’d guess it’s relatively similar. Been a few months since I even looked at an iLO3 system. Here’s the command ref doc for iLO2 if you want to dig around for some more cool stuff.


So today/tonight/sometime is leap second day. I’m not too sure when it is, exactly. Why? Because I don’t need to:

Jun 30 14:43:09 stratum1 lantime[1850]: Normal Operation  
Jun 30 14:43:17 stratum1 lantime[1850]: Leap second announced  
Jun 30 14:44:12 stratum1 ntpd[2172]: synchronized to PPS(0), stratum 0
Jun 30 14:44:13 stratum1 lantime[1467]: NTP sync to PPS

My timeserver knows. Firmware updates applied, leap seconds announced, music festivals to go to.


Or: when you seriously need to tunnel

I’ve got some servers sitting 300~500ms away, behind a bad NAT, and GRE/pptp can’t make it through. Quick way to solve it? Build a small crappy VM, install ssh, and make the following modifications to files:

/etc/ssh/sshd_config: append the PermitTunnel directive. Pick one you like from `man 5 sshd_config`
/etc/ssh/ssh_config: append the Tunnel directive. Again, check which you want from `man 5 ssh_config`.

Quickly generate a key for use for the tunnel dial and push it to your dial host:
ssh-keygen -C “tunneling key” -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/tunnel_rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/tunnel_rsa user@tunnelhost

Now start up the tunnel:
ssh -NTCf -w any user@tunnelhost

Slap IPs on each side:
client:~# ip addr add peer dev <tundev>
tunnelhost:~# ip addr add peer dev <tundev>

Also, I noticed that between two debian hosts the tunnels defaulted to state DOWN, so a quick ip link set up dev <tundev> was needed each side.

Ping across, check if it works, and if all’s good you should be able to route via the tunnel and do whatever you need to. Since ssh is generally pretty capable and usable everywhere (even over some crazy portforwards), this should get you going fairly easily.


So we survived the day pretty well. Yay for things going as they should ;)

A quick summary would be having one query regarding being unable to hit our test site and that turned out to be a browser issue at the client. The following counters from it (stats from around 15h00 SAST):

   2012-06-06  --  228 IPv4 only
   2012-06-06  --  5 Confused
   2012-06-06  --  1 Web Filter
   2012-06-06  --  46 Dual Stack - IPv6 Preferred
   2012-06-06  --  16 Dual Stack - IPv4 Preferred

Not bad, considering we only took it live sometime last night. Some other people didn’t get by quite so well on v6 day though. Yahoo was one of them. When trying to go to ‘’, we get redirected to ‘’ with the following DNS records:

vandali % host is an alias for is an alias for is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a00:1288:f00e:1fe::3001 has IPv6 address 2a00:1288:f006:1fe::3000 has IPv6 address 2a00:1288:f006:1fe::3001 has IPv6 address 2a00:1288:f00e:1fe::3000

This then blows up at one of their Accelerators:

Worth a slight thought, since Yahoo actually appears to see use over much of Africa.

All said and done, a fairly good day. Didn’t notice any major blowouts elsewhere in the internet (although I should note I wasn’t tracking all news), and I look forward to some write-ups by the usual people (Renesys, HE, Evilrouters, etc) in the next few days. We appear to remain one of the most well-connected IPv6 ISPs in South Africa, and in a pretty good position overall.

6th of the 6th, launch ALL the things

So, it’s World IPv6 Day^W^W^WIPv6 Launch Day (rebranding lulz). Go test your IPv6 at some appropriate site like here (hosted in South Africa) or here (somewhere else than South Africa, I didn’t check).

Google also had some conference announcement about the next stage in Maps. I wonder if it’s this thing I saw on Google Maps last night: Mapmaker. It appears to be 4sq meets Waze meets .. something. Let’s see at 9am PST.

Update: here’s a screenshot.

Second update: (fuck you WordPress editor) apparently Mapmaker’s been live since mid-April. Talk about a quiet launch.

Mapmaker Intro Screen


Hai, can I hav sum intergnats plox?

Alternative post title: IPv6 all up in hurr

Some years ago, before the age of cheap international access on local ISPs arrived here, dual-homing (or n-homing, depending on how pimp you were) on your residential connection was quite the fashion among .za tech-heads. But not the fancy sort with BGP and decent best-route selection, just a really grubby sort: two accounts, one local (as in .za routing table) and one international. You can read up about the full setup over here on Stefano’s site.

Due to the nature of the split, there was some fun. Fun in the order which things might come up, fun in which session’s routing is ready first, fun in DNS server overwriting, that sort of thing. Of course, I mean fun tongue-in-cheek, since it was mostly an annoyance. Especially when ddclient picks the wrong PPP session (“the config says ppp1, why are you using ppp0?”), or doesn’t want to ignore its cachefile (forcing you to wrap it in another script and delete the cache yourself), or when your line flaps and all pppd instances go into this weird race condition where they suddenly all acquire the same IP, or ….. well, I guess you get the idea. It was painful.

Thankfully times have progressed, and now it’s possible to get IPv6. Hell, if you’re in the right place you can even get a static allocation of v6. Working for AS37105, this is of course one of the work perks, since we (the tech team on the v6 deployment) dogfood it ourselves to make sure we know that things are actually working. Things we usually note are the following:

  • explosions in’s v6 core – hey, it happens
  • client apps misbehaving – surprisingly, chrome on my desktop is one of these
  • “mixed” support – mikrotik, for instance. you can telnet/ssh it on v6, but not winbox to a v6 address (I don’t recall if I’ve tested whether it connects if a hostname resolves to v6 address..mental note)

Personally, the best part for me is not having to ever deal with broken dyndns anymore, or having to maintain lots of funky NATs, or having to tunnel home and route traffic via the tunnel. If I just quickly want to ssh to my desktop, it has a hostname in DNS and it works. If I quickly want to check up on my traffic stats or anything else, I browse to yariman (my gateway/home store). It’s great, and makes my life that much nicer.

All of this said, World IPv6 Day next week! Are you all ready for your few days of carnage as other shitty ISPs run around unprepared? Bring on the future!

One other thing, props to PH.Fat for another good track. The track alone is cool enough for me to share it, but then I saw that the album (available on their website) is creative commons, and that just wins a bit harder. Nicely done, guys :)

P.S. Fuck you, WordPress content editor, and your stupidity in paragraph designation flow after bulletpoints.

In-flight wireless-less

Ah, fantastic news strikes again. From this article:

“The system has been configured to allocate 128 IPs, with 124 IPs for passenger use. However, due to the number of passengers (115) utilising multiple devices (some as high as 2-3 devices) on the plane, more than 3 times the allowed connections were constantly requesting access to the internet,” explained WirelessG CEO Carel van der Merwe.

Now, some quick searching indicates that they’re using tech from Row 44 to do this thing. If it’s just satellite downlink, then I quite don’t get the R3.5 million (~$436k USD given a quick check of the current ZAR/USD) pricetag. If it’s the whole shebang, then I guess Row 44 is making some damn nice licensing fees out of airlines on DHCP leases.

Either way, I find it pretty damn hilarious that they didn’t plan for something like this on a flight for tech journos.

Routing for n00bs

In lieu of solar flares, and unicorns, I propose a new protocol name to use when dealing with people who don’t understand routing and friends, people to whom any level of tech explanation would be white noise:

MGP. Stands for Magic Gateway Protocol. It knows just what to do at all times.

Todo: write RFC.

The Scene Will Be Youtube-ised!

So, lame post titles excluded, the content.

Every now and then I run into a little something online which proves to me that the scene(s) isn’t(/aren’t) dead yet, and I’m a little bit rejoiced at it. Everyone toiling away in obscure little corners, still churning out some amazing things. And, for your enjoyment, I present the following.

Seems that today is good after all.

Theoretically Monday

Every now and then I wake up to a good Monday, but they’re few and far between. Thankfully, today is only a theoretical Monday (it is, in fact, a Tuesday, due to the holidays from Easter weekend), but nonetheless it’s actually doing well so far.

Part of what makes it good is that unlike the recent trend in my life, nothing of any ridiculous consequence has happened over the weekend. Another part is to wake up to some great reading. Many who know me would know that I’m no great fan of PHP (probably the world’s most famous dinky toy language), although any verbal argument about it is likely to be futile because of a variety of reasons. Thus it’s quite great to find this post that articulates all sorts of issues I often encounter on random occasions when I have to deal with PHP. Link via Jeremy.

Another for fun/schadenfreude. And this wikiquote page about the author of PHP is pretty great.

Lastly, I discovered Emika‘s music over the last few days via her latest mix on Rob Booth’s site.

Here’s to hoping for a fairly sane week!

P.S. Bashing? Who, me? Nevaaaaar.