Keys, identity, etc

This post serves as a general notice of key update, as well as a short bit of history.

My new GPG key is a 4096 RSA. It’s available on the SKS keyservers already, and has the fingerprint 1A9260611F0D15319BE6465E474E16D0F70C7CC9. I have also updated my Keybase identity with this as appropriate, as well as updating my online pubkey store.

My old key was E5BB45ADAC20F87D8E5C2316D3C406A99ABE41AE, 1024 DSA. I’ll be pushing a revocation for this in about a week’s time.

The intention behind this is a general update, plus also just adding some clarity to my public key situation. I have some Older Keys which happened, in various states, from times when I had no clue to times where I had no ability to survive machine or disk failures. Aside from those conditions, I had another key which I also no longer wish to use (due to reasonable key size concerns etc).

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