During a quick conversation on unicode and punycode, I managed to find http://☁→❄→☃→☀→☺→☂→☹→✝.ws
Cute, and a sad reminder of how many people still fight this.
During a quick conversation on unicode and punycode, I managed to find http://☁→❄→☃→☀→☺→☂→☹→✝.ws
Cute, and a sad reminder of how many people still fight this.
thoughts: I still have some stock account balance left..wonder if I should buy some..
In [1]: from random import choice In [2]: choices = {'buy': 0, 'wait': 0} In [3]: for i in range(0,5000): choices[choice(['buy','wait'])] += 1 ...: In [4]: choices Out[4]: {'buy': 2518, 'wait': 2482}
Guess I’ll buy some stocks.
[ed's note: this method works equally well to decide which stocks you want to buy when you're lazy]